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50 Things You Never Wanted To Know About Me: Finale

I realized I hadn't completed this list, so to not disappoint any of you, here goes:

36. Mosquitoes particularly have a special thing for me wherever I go. I guess I'm just that sweet, heh heh..

37. One time at ACU I went out attempting to chase a tornado with some friends--at night. It was quite a thrill when we actually started driving into the storm. We turned around though because it rained so hard we couldn't see the road in front of us. I'd like to do this again sometime; this time with professionals and during the day time.

38. I hyper-extended my back once while doing some kind of crazy gymnastic stunt on a trampoline. Imagine that!

39. I've never gotten a speeding ticket ever since getting my license at 16. *knock on wood*

40. I almost drowned an opponent once while playing intramural waterball at ACU. Competitiveness is both my forte and my downfall.

41. I hate snakes and bugs, but can handle the occasional leech (or leeches).

42. I didn't start shaving my legs until my freshmen year at ACU. Never had the need to before then.

43. I've never really had one bestfriend all my life because my group of friends constantly changed and I was always doing different things. Wonder if this is good or bad...

44. I will never turn down good Italian cuisine.

45. I want to travel the world, with Josue of course.

46. I dislike cats but prefer dogs, However, I don't think Josue and I will ever have pets.

47. The hardest thing I have ever done was leaving my family and home and coming to the United States to study at ACU.

48. One of my biggest accomplishment is leaving my family and home and coming to the United States to study at ACU.

49. My other biggest accomplishment is marrying Josue.

50. Another big accomplishment of mine is still in the works, Lord willing...you will find out later. =)

Thank you for reading!

Well now I know I never want to be in a pool with you...me being afraid of drowning and all. :)

I'm soooo curious about your big accomplishment!!! Is it culinary... or parental.... I WANNA KNOW!

Me too, Me too! :) Ditto to Sarah's remarks.
It's been fun reading your take on what I hear from you on a regular basis.
I like your 50 things...


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