Ok, I've been tagged again, this time by the Prophecy himself. Here goes...
First Memory: I think this would have to be the memories of my house. From the time I was born until about 3 or 4 (if memory still serves me correctly), our family lived on the top floor of a flat (or apartment, whichever you want to call it) by the beach in Malacca, Malaysia, where I was born. I have somewhat of a memory of my room, but I clearly remember the small sand pit that my dad put together on the balcony and how Aaron and I spent countless of hours playing there. Come to think of it, I must have not been too afraid of heights then since I was constantly on the balcony. Good times. (The picture was also taken on that same balcony.)
First Kiss: My first kiss was sort of 'stolen' away from me. I think I was 16. In high school I got involved in another school's drama production, and this school was an all-boys school. I had previously done "The King and I" there, so the same director called me back for "Sleeping Beauty" as the lead role. Yeah, that in itself was terrifying. I hated love scenes and I knew there was going to be tons of it. ANYWAY, naive little Debbie thought she could get away from the kiss scene where 'the prince' wakes up 'the beauty'. And I think I had told my leading man to kiss me on my cheeks by my mouth. He could've easily faked it and the crowd wouldn't have been able to tell anyway. Needless to say, that didn't happen and the smart little punk kissed me on my lips instead, and it was a long one too!!! I clearly wasn't prepared for that, I was in shock and my body was trembling. Then I became mad at him. But I had to act along until after the show. Everybody in the cast apparently knew about his 'plan' and that this guy had a crush on me this whole time. Unfortunately I didn't like him back. Yeah, I was naive and clueless. Will never forget it.
First Concert: Back in Malaysia when I was in high school, there was a group called K.R.U. and they were a Malay rap group, yes, RAP. I had never been a big fan of the Malaysian pop scene (still am not) but K.R.U. was HUGE and they were actually very good. They kept up pretty well with the fundamentals of hip hop and rap just like the ones in America, except their lyrics were in Malay instead of English. Theirs was the first and only concert I had ever been to in Malaysia. I had a blast.
First love: Remember the "Sleeping Beauty" play I mentioned earlier? During the time of production (which was for about 4 or 5 months), I had developed a good friendship with a guy. He was the tallest Malaysian friend I ever had (6 foot 2 inches, and that's rare for a Malaysian!), and he was one year my senior. He was cute, adventurous, smart and outgoing. We clicked instantly and became good pals. But it wasn't until after the production was over before he asked me out. We dated for about a year and a half. We broke up when he went off to college but continued to keep in touch from then onwards.
First Thing You Think In The Morning: I really don't know. I'm usually so out of it after I wake up to the point that nothing else around me matters. Just ask Josue.
First Book You Remember Loving: It was called "Puss in Boots", part of many Ladybird series of books. I don't know if you can find it today.
First Pet: I never had one myself. My dad was the one who bred all those Bull Terriers in our backyard. I lost count of the number of the dogs that actually came through my dad's care.
First Question You'll Ask In Heaven (if that's allowed): Lord, can I see your face?
First Place You Think of When You Hear The Word Vacation: An island called Penang back home in Malaysia. It's amazing in every way: the endless miles of white sandy beaches, the fun resorts, delicious local food, the fruits, the people, the shopping etc. Yet another reason why I miss home so badly.
First Bestfriend: A Chinese girl named Ming Yee from kindergarten.
Last Time You Dressed Up: When I REALLY dressed up? Truthfully, it would have to be my wedding day last December 4th.
Last Thing You Ate: Cajun Chicken Pasta from Chilli's. Yum...and it comes with a piece of fresh and warm garlic bread.
Last CD Bought: "Turnaround" from Westlife. They're a band from Ireland and they have been a big hit mostly around Europe and Asia. It's amazing enough that I found their CD here in the United States.
Last Time You Cried: Yesterday when I was watching a news coverage on hurricane Katrina. I shed a tear or two, so does that really count as crying?
Last Time You Told Someone You Loved Them: When Josue left this morning for his appointments with some car dealerships.
Last Really Fun Thing You Did: Softball last night. I'm telling you, I'm really starting to love and appreciate the sport! =)
Last Thing You Watched on TV: Seinfield last night, but fell sleep halfway through it.
Last Halloween Costume: Oh goodness, I don't know. I have never been a Halloween person. Besides, I didn't grow up with it since it doesn't even exists back home.
Last Concert Attended: Jars of Clay back in Welcome Week 2002 at ACU. That was also my first concert I had ever attended here in the United States. AND, the first concert that Josue and I ever attended together, and we weren't even dating at that time.
Here's who I'm going to tag next: